Friday, December 10, 2010

Baking Segment

Finally used the cookie cutters my mom got me for my birthday (in July).

Bacon Cheddar Biscuits + Dinosaur Shapes= Heaven about to be extinct through ingestion.

Friday, December 3, 2010

The Time my Brain Melted

In 9th grade I was enrolled in Regents Earth Science. We sat at black desks that you could write on with the grease of your hands and then it would disappear. Every Wednesday would be a lab day which meant instead of being 43 minutes the class would be twice as long. I do not like how my life used to be scheduled in to 43 increments of boredom.

Earth science was the worst class in the entire World. It is my hell. It is my Room 101.

I remember on one particular lab day, we hadn't gotten a break due to my lab partner who had thrown all the teacher's pencils in the ceiling, this was the day my brain melted. It was just the beginning of the second period so I knew relief in the form of art class was not coming anytime soon. On and on and on and I was just watching the clock when my mind stopped thinking completely. It literally stopped working and I had nothing but used thoughts and hope to get me through.

Now anytime I am ever really really super bored, I just think back to that day and know that soon it will be o.k. and I won't be bored anymore. I know that if I made it through that I can make it through anything boring for the rest of my life.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Beauty Segment

On most days I do not wash my hair. It is very fluffy when it is clean and straightening it takes forever.

Today's beauty segment is how to still look o.k. with unwashed hair. A few options:

1. Put a hat on.
2. Wear hair in a pony tail.
3. Go to a dark bar where everyone has had a couple of drinks.

I think tonight my hair is so dirty I have to do all three. Especially the last one.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Who would inspire me to restart my blog?

George Michael

I always thought this song was sang by a woman and then I watched the video. Whatastud.

Since I am blogging again I decided to make it more legit and learn more about today's post. This is the best thing I read about him on Wikipedia (where almost all of my research is conducted):

On December 5, 2009, in an interview with The Guardian, Michael explains he had cut back on cannabis and now smokes only 'seven or eight' spliffs per day instead of the 25 he used to smoke.

I really like his Club Tropicana song too.