This week PK and I began our Upstate New York Tour 2010.
We went to Buffalo and learned how to make fudge and saw a baby.
We went to Niagara Falls and ate ice cream and went on the Maid of the Mist.
Someone last night said "OH I bet it was so romantic. Niagara Falls is the most romantic place in the world"
Not when your with your boyfriend's parents.
Not when your wearing a XXL Poncho.
The tour continued. Yesterday we went to Watkins Glen and drove across the state.
Watkins Glen was awesome awesome awesome.
I tried to steal a lighter from a gas station but the attendant said that wasn't ok.
I tried to tell Phil all oldies music sounded the same he told me to "take it back"
I learned how much I hate windmills.
Today we were going to go to storm king but its a little bit expensive and so we are going to make our own sculptures in the front yard.
So now we are back in New Paltz. Tomorrow is the Disco Ball
and then next week the tour continues in Albany
Time to go prepare for sculpture making (this means make an afternoon cocktail)